Office 365
Login information
Website: Office 365 Login
Login: First initial, last name, last 4 digits of your pupil number
i.e. Joe Smith Pupil # 1234567 ~
Password: This is the same password you use to logon to the computers in the library.
What If I Have Forgotten My School Password?
The password used to log in is the same as the password used to log into school computers or access the school wifi. Most students have changed their passwords but if you haven’t, the default password is the first two letters of your first name (no capitals), followed by the first four numbers of your student number and then followed by two dollar signs ($$)
If you have any issues accessing Office 365 or with reseting your password contact Mrs. Roberts.
You can access Office 365 via the web OR download it to your device(s).
Microsoft TEAMS

Many of your teachers will be choosing to use Microsoft Teams to communicate with students and/or offer video lessons. All students in Langley have access to MS Teams through their Office 365 account.
It is available from App stores as well.
One Drive

For instructions on how to use OneDrive, please see here: