Student Expectations

HD Stafford Middle School Expectations 

At HD Stafford, we want our students to feel safe in an environment where they are free to learn. We want them to be able to empathize with others and have the moral courage to make good decisions in difficult circumstances. We are confident our families will partner with us in establishing and reinforcing clear expectations.  We encourage students to:

  1. take care of themselves
  2. take care of each other
  3. and take care of this place

 If any students:  

  1. bully, disrespect, interfere with, or endanger other students
  2. intentionally damage school buildings, property, and/or the property of others
  3. are disrespectful towards staff or other adult helpers in our school
  4. refuse to comply with a directive from any adult staff member at the school (including teachers and teaching assistants, parents acting as chaperones or coaches,  and noon hour supervisors),

they will be held accountable, and may be subject to disciplinary consequences for their behaviour. 

Bullying and Harassment  

Students will be held accountable for any bullying or harassment and may be subject to consequences for this behaviour. Students, parents or staff members who witness instances of school-related bullying or harassment should IMMEDIATELY be reported this to administrators. These two terms are defined as: 

Bullying: is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online. It is any persistent act of intimidation, threats, put downs, and/or making fun of another person or persons.  It is also includes imposing one’s will on another person through intimidation or violence.  

Harassment: involves any unwanted physical or verbal behavior that offends or humiliates an individual. Generally, harassment persists over time and is similar to bullying, but with some notable differences. Similarities include persistent hurt caused from one person to another through cruel, offensive and insulting behaviours. However, harassment includes forms of discrimination that are a violation of Canadian Human Rights laws. The focus of the behaviors include, but are not limited to, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Sexual Orientation and Religion. School District Administrative Procedure 170 (Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination) provides more information related to harassment.  

School Property

Students are expected to respect school property and take care of their school environment. At school, destruction and vandalism of school property will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to: the building exterior, the bathroom, school technology, school furniture, P.E. Equipment, and all classroom materials. Students are expected to clean up after themselves and recycle when er possible.

Clothing – Langley School District Dress Guidelines 

If staff determines that a student’s clothing violates the Langley School District Dress Guidelines, students will be drawn aside for a private conversation. If students cannot provide clothing that adheres to the guidelines, they will be given clean clothes to wear from the office. 


Students will be expected to use proper language for a school, both inside the building and outside. Therefore swearing, disrespectful or racist language, either verbal or written, will not be tolerated at any time. Students may expect immediate consequences for use of improper language. 

Closed Campus

HD Stafford is a closed campus. Students may not leave the school premises after arriving in the morning unless office staff have been notified by a parent/guardian. All visitors must check in at the office upon entering.  


We do not have a cafeteria, so students will eat lunch in their classroom, sitting at their desks. Respectful inside behaviour will be expected at all times. After the eating period there may be activities such as clubs and intramurals. All other students will be expected to go outside for the duration of the lunch period.  

Breaks are Outside

Except for during extreme weather, recess and lunch breaks will be outside; that is, students will go outside for recess and lunch play periods. Students must therefore come dressed for the weather each day.  

Personal Technology 

Students must put away personal technology upon school entry and may not used until after the bell at the end of the day. Electronic devices may not be accessed during recess and lunch whether inside or outside. 

Individual teachers may from time to time permit students to use their personal technology for school-related activities. Technology should be put away directly after these activities.

***We kindly ask parents to support our Personal Technology policy by contacting the school directly if you would like to speak to your child during the school day*** 

Physical Contact 

Students are expected to keep their hands and feet to themselves. This means no tackle football, rough play or play fighting. A simple hug when greeting someone is acceptable but displays of affection such as kissing or extended hugging are not.  

Drugs and Alcohol

Students may not bring, use, distribute, or be under the influence of any illicit or illegal drugs or alcohol when at school or at a school function. This includes but is not limited to, cigarettes, vapes, marijuana, and prescription drugs of which the school has not been notified.

Harmful Items 

Students must not bring any kind of harmful items to school. These include any kind of household knife, laser pointers, chemical substances, or any object that may be a danger to others, or could be considered a weapon. If a student accidentally brings an object like this to school, they must tell a staff member immediately. Parents may pick up the item later at the office.  

The RCMP may be notified if a staff member feels that an incident is sufficiently serious.  

HD Stafford Middle School

20441 - Grade Crescent, Langley
BC, V3A 4J8
Phone: 604-534-9285
Fax: 604-534-8986