Grade 5 to Grade 6 Connections – Welcome to HD Stafford Middle!

Grade 5 Students and Families!

Welcome to HD Stafford Middle School – Home of the Skyhawks!ย 

We are so excited to have you join us for Grade 6 next year! ย It was so awesome visiting you are your school! On this page you will find information about what to expect in Grade 6, answers to some of your questions, and the opportunity to meet some of our awesome staff! You will also find out what you need (school supplies), opportunities we have in the school (clubs, teams, etc.) and more! Do take a few minutes to look around the website for more information!

Welcome to HD Stafford 2021 and Virtual Tour Video:

Questions from Grade 5 Students!

  1. Is there a playground? Yes! We have 12 basketball hoops, a spider net, 9 square, a HUGE grass field, swings and more!
  2. Can we decorate our lockers? Yes (on the inside!). You need to be able to easily remove the items ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. What happens if I forget my locker code? Ask your teacher! They will have all of the combinations.
  4. Are there basketball teams? Yes!
  5. Do we need lunchboxes? If you would like to bring a lunch box please do! You can carry your lunch in a way that works for you.
  6. How long is the school day? We start at 8:35am (warning bell rings at 8:30am) and we end at 2:48pm.
  7. Are we allowed to have our phones? You can bring a phone to school, but when the bell rings it needs to go in your backpack. When the bell rings at the end of the day you can take your phone out again. There are no phones at recess and lunch. If you need to use a phone we have lots. If your family needs to get a hold of you they can call the school and we will let you know.
  8. Are we allowed to chew gum? Depends on what your doing (in PE – no) and what your teacher says.
  9. Are there taco Tuesdays and wing Wednesday? Nope – but that sounds amazing ๐Ÿ™‚
  10. What are expos? Expos stands for Exploration classes. These classes are Visual Arts, Metal/Woodwork, Foods, Textiles, and OACES (Outdoor Aboriginal Community Environmental Studies). You get the opportunity to try each of these every year. They are awesome.
  11. Can we leave school during our lunch? Can we go to stores? No. We are a closed campus which means that you cannot leave the school grounds during the school day.
  12. Do we have homework? You might at times have homework.
  13. How do you use a locker? We will show you! We don’t expect grade 6 students to know how to use a locker yet – we will give you lessons!
  14. Are there vending machines? No there are not.
  15. Do you have a cafeteria? No we do not. However, if you need a lunch please see Mr. Hendy to be part of the school lunch program.
  16. Are we allowed to wear hats? You sure are!
  17. Are there cooking classes? Woodwork classes? Art classes? Yes, yes and yes!
  18. Will we pick our locker? You locker will be assigned to you and will be located by our homeroom classroom so it will be nice and close.
  19. Are there trashcans everywhere? We have trashcans, compost and recycling bins in many places ๐Ÿ™‚
  20. Will we be switching classes for each subject? You will have a homeroom teacher and their pod teacher. One teacher may teach English/SS and the other teacher may teach Math/Science. You will switch classes during those times. You also have the opportunity to go to your Exploration ย classes and will switch rooms during that time. We will help you with the schedule ๐Ÿ™‚
  21. Do we need locks for the lockers? No you don’t. We have them for you! If there is one you would rather use, you may bring it.
  22. What school supplies do I need? The list is being updates right now. It will be posted here soon ๐Ÿ™‚

HD Stafford Middle School

20441 - Grade Crescent, Langley
BC, V3A 4J8
Phone: 604-534-9285
Fax: 604-534-8986